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Fingerprint Error Rate on Close Non-Matches

Download while it is hot the new and remarkable paper by Jay Koehler (Northwestern Law) and Shiquan Liu (CUPL).  Here is the abstract: The accuracy of fingerprint identifications is critically important to the administration of criminal justice. Accuracy is challenging… Continue Reading →

Wilson Center for Science and Justice Launch

Last week the new Wilson Center for Science and Justice was formally launched at Duke University.  The launch event video will be available soon and it featured New York Times and ProPublica reporter Pam Colloff discussing the Joe Bryan case,… Continue Reading →

Unpacking Forensics Testimony

If interested, here are slides from a presentation I gave to the Federal Defender’s office in New York, describing CSAFE research on jury evaluation of forensic testimony and conclusions – including work with Nick Scurich and Will Crozier that will… Continue Reading →

Eddie Lee Howard ruling by Miss. S.Ct.

On August 27, the Mississippi Supreme Court granted a new trial to death-row prisoner Eddie Lee Howard, Jr. They ruled that the invalid bite-mark evidence used, “along with new DNA testing and the paucity of other evidence linking Howard to the… Continue Reading →

Ronnie Long Released

The Fourth Circuit, en band, issued a remarkable opinion this week in a case that the Duke Wrongful Convictions clinic has been litigating hard for years.  This news story quotes Professor Jamie Lau and includes the opinion – – which… Continue Reading →

New CSAFE Website

The new CSAFE website is live! Check out the new and improved research pages and more. Homepage “Fair administration of justice requires the existence of scientifically valid methods to analyze evidence, relevant databases to support the analyses, and appropriate interpretations… Continue Reading →

NY Frye Ruling on Ballistics Evidence

In Ross v. State, the Supreme Court in Bronx County ruled on a Frye motion by the defense” “to preclude a ballistics expert from testifying that shell casings found at a crime scene matched a firearm found in a car… Continue Reading →

Coming Spring 2021: Autopsy of a Crime Lab

My new book Autopsy of a Crime Lab is forthcoming in Spring 2021 from University of California Press.  For a description of  the book: “That’s not my fingerprint, your honor,” said the defendant, after FBI experts reported a “100%… Continue Reading →


The Department of Justice has released newly revised uniform language for forensic testimony and reports – effective in August 2020.  They are all posted on the DOJ website here. In the fingerprint ULTR, for example, the new guidance adds (in… Continue Reading →

Amicus Brief in Gissantaner

An amicus brief was filed today (here Gissantaner Amicus FILED) in the Sixth Circuit in U.S. v Daniel Gissantaner, Case No. 19-2305, concluding complex DNA mixture evidence. This brief was submitted on behalf of a group of forensic evidence and forensic… Continue Reading →

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