Month February 2018

Testimonial Monitoring

I’ve long thought it extremely important that testimony in court by forensic analysts be routinely read and reviewed by supervisors, to ensure accuracy, consistency, and professionalism.  The DOJ importantly just announced in a memo, here, a program to do just… Continue Reading →

DOJ Approved Uniform Language for Latent Fingerprint Comparisons

On February 21, the DOJ released this document, setting out uniform language for latent print comparisons.  It sets out definitions for source identification, inconclusive and exclusion conclusions and sets out certain qualifications and limitations.  Below are excerpts. Source Identification ‘Source… Continue Reading →

Forensics, Statistics and Law Conference at the University of Virginia School of Law

In honor of the 25th Anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. that reshaped how judges evaluate scientific and expert evidence, join experts in the fields of forensics, statistics and law for a… Continue Reading →

Daubert’s Failure

A wonderful new piece forthcoming in Case Western Reserve Law Review, from Paul Giannelli.  Here is a link and the abstract is below: In 2015, a federal judge noted that “[m]any defendants have been convicted and spent countless years in… Continue Reading →

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