Duke Law Journal has published a special issue on forensics, statistics and law, accompanying a CSAFE conference held in March 2019. The pieces are:
Forensics, Statistics, and Law: Ten Years After “A Path Forward”
Brandon Garrett
The Public Reception of the “Path Forward” Report
Steven Kendall
Forensics at the Federal Level
Sue Ballou
The Trajectory of Forensics
Peter Neufeld
Statistics and the Impact of the 2009 NAS Report
Karen Kafadar
From the introduction to the special online issue:
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the 2009 National Research Council report, Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward.[Judge Harry Edwards, who cochaired the Committee that authored the Report, noted that before starting the project, he had “no preconceived views about the forensic science community.” [2] He “simply assumed, as I suspect many of my judicial colleagues do, that forensic science disciplines typically are well grounded in scientific methodology.”[3] The 300 page report had followed an elaborate and lengthy peer review process before its release. The Committee concluded that much of forensic evidence used in criminal trials was “without any meaningful scientific validation.”[4] They described major problems in forensics, including where faulty forensic science led to wrongful convictions.
It has been an eventful ten years. That report prompted a renewed interest in supporting research to improve the statistical foundations of forensic evidence, new protocols and standards in crime laboratories, and a changing approach towards litigating expert evidence in criminal cases. This online symposium includes contributions by lawyers, scientists, and policymakers working at the intersection of law, statistics, and forensic science to respond to these challenges. Each was part of a group who gathered for conversations at a March 2019 conference at Duke Law School, which brought together a group of twenty to twenty-five leading crime lab directors, forensic scientists, statisticians, legal scholars, judges, and practicing lawyers to discuss, in a roundtable setting, how to plan the next ten years of the path forward for forensics. The conference was made possible by the Innocence Project and the Center for Statistics and Applications in Forensic Science (“CSAFE”) collaboration, extending across five universities, including Duke, which has been working for several years, with generous support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (“NIST”) to research these questions.