Today, a group of amici scholars representing a variety of disciplines, including law, ethics, forensic science, medicine, and statistics, filed an amicus brief in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals case of Long v. Hooks.  The brief can be read here: 18-6980, Long v. Hooks, Amici Curiae Brief in Support Appellant

Summarizing the argument, the brief states:

Forensic analysis is oftentimes a significant factor in determining the course of criminal investigations and, when admitted into evidence, the outcome of criminal trials…. exculpatory results are highly probative to fact-finders at criminal trials… concealed exculpatory forensic results have played a devastating role in enabling wrongful conviction cases nationwide, including in cases where DNA testing ultimately proved an individual’s innocence… For these reasons, it is crucially important that exculpatory forensic analyses be disclosed to counsel and to the court.