Officials at the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab have elected to employ familial searching as a means to identify close relatives of potential suspects in cold cases. Familial searching, in contrast to conventional DNA identification, uses partial matches or commonalities to… Continue Reading →
The Boston Globe reports that tampering charges levied against Annie Dookhan, a former Massachusettes state chemist, will result in thousands of drug-related convictions to be vacated. Overall, Dookhan was involved in 24,000 convictions and over 40,000 cases. Only a few… Continue Reading →
A story in the NYT, here, about research published Monday by researchers at New York University and Michigan State University suggesting that fake fingerprints prints that include common features. The researchers did not use a phone maker’s software, though, and apparently companies… Continue Reading →
A story here by Spencer Hsu on the decision by the Attorney General to end the National Commission on Forensic Science – and suspend a review of forensic science methods. The Post also made available an advance copy of the… Continue Reading →
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